Sunday 23 February 2014

What's your body really telling you?

Sometimes your body is trying to tell you something - maybe it really does want that walk, that it's not getting enough sleep and that the chocolate and wine diet isn't really working as well as hoped.Sometimes its even trying to tell you that you are stressed or not living according to your life values, that being in your relationship is actually slowly killing you!
But what if its not just what you are putting into your body that is the problem and your body is trying to tell you that something deeper is not aligning?Our bodies never lie, we just ignore or mis interpret the messages.
The sinking in your stomach when you say "yes" to going on that date, the pain in your neck when you try to smile nicely at a rude work colleague or feeling constantly tired but forcing yourself to  do something you deep down hate.
These are all messages from our body trying to tell us some very important news but you need to stop thinking about it just for a moment. You need to get quiet. You need to actually listen.That feeling in your body is where you'll find your intuition, and your capability to act. You already know it's not on your shelves of how-to books, or waiting for you in the next guru-convention. So it's time to look somewhere else
Your body is sending you messages, core, gut feelings, all the time. You don't need to reason them, logic them, or intellectualize them. You just need to act on them.
When your eyes are sore you rub them. If its stomach ache? You rest your hands on your belly.Without thinking you instinctively know what to do.
 Unsure what to eat, say, work on, or create? Take a very deep breath, relax, feel, and then do it. 
Your body pays attention to you. It thinks you're important! If you've spent a whole lot of time ignoring how you feel, just crashing along, mis interpreting your body wisdom then your body has probably decided you're not interested in listening to these lines of communication. It hits the mute button.Or it turns the volume up so loud we break down.
We need to listen to the message beneath the fear, negative self talk and the hordes of must and should's . We need to take time to be quiet with our self, to reconnect to our bodies and begin a conversation of support and kindness.
Journalling, meditation, a warm bubble bath, a massage or exercise are all ways we can begin to become re acquainted with our old friend , our body.
( In cases where the issues/symptoms may include anxiety or other deeper mental health concerns please contact your health professional for support)

Caroline Williams is a registered counsellor  and nationally registered homicide / major crimes counsellor in New Zealand working with individuals and couples to help them make the life they love happen. With over 15 years training and experience in anxiety,depression, addictions and trauma she is a prolific writer and workshop facilitator.
Contact her for in person or skype counselling and make this year the one that counts!


How motivated are you really?

I woke up one Monday morning and it dawned on me that my "get up and go" had actually done exactly that. It had got up and slipped off with out me realising it had happened. I was shocked and wondered  "Was there a moment or conversation which was the crucial point when my motivation just stopped? I know I'm not alone in this because its's a topic which rears its lethargic head  regularly with clients or friends.
Have you ever found yourself waking up in the morning and after you have shuffled out of bed to get your coffee thinking "Oh no here we go again"?
Do you have a list of "things to do today" which was really a list of things to do last month?
Are you finding much of your time is spent "forcing yourself" to do things or trying to enjoy activities?
Often it creeps up on us and slowly but surely we find our selves just getting by rather than living a life which has meaning and joy at its core.
We all have times when we feel that our motivation has some how drained out of us while we were asleep, or suddenly found our selves living a life of quiet discontent.
 Have you ever found yourself waking up in the morning and after you have shuffled out of bed to get your coffee thinking "Oh no here we go again"?
Do you have a list of "things to do today" which was really a list of things to do last month?
Are you finding much of your time is spent "forcing yourself" to do things or trying to enjoy activities?
Often it creeps up on us and slowly but surely we find our selves just getting by rather than living a life which has meaning and joy at its core.

So how can we change this slow shuffle to the grave and start to re engage with our passion, motivation and joy again?
To help create change its important to understand that our thoughts,feelings and behaviours are all interconnected . Habits are  created by our behaviour and thinking in the moment which is reinforced by our feelings,these feelings are often mistaken for fact and over ride our logical goals and needs.
  While we have "control" over what we think how we behave we don't have this same control over our feelings, often people mistake feelings for being "fact" when actually they are merely just signals to our brain and body to
  • Interpret the world 
  • Warn us of danger
  • Are hard wired to seek lifes "ings" ( eating, sexing, drugging,shopping,facebooking,gambling, relationshiping etc)
  • Communicate and understand
  • Prepare us for action/inaction

So imagine one of your goals is  going to the gym, while logically you know its good for you, is in line with your goals and will help you feel more energetic,you lack of feeling the  "motivation" and create an unhelpful emotional equation.


We listen to the "feeling" as being fact and then our thoughts "I never follow through, I will always be unfit etc" and behaviours ( withdrawal, eating comfort food,engaging in pleasurable distractions) follow suit creating a habit which is powerful and very convincing. We then associate "going to the gym" with a negative feeling and negative feelings are powerful demotivators!.  Many people make the mistake of believing feelings are fact, need to be acted on and that they are permanent,often waiting till they feel like doing something before they start.When in reality if we think well,behave well our feelings will generally follow and create a different and more joyful habit.

Steps to create change
Break down goals into simple steps using SMART goal settings and keep this some where visible. Your goals should include the strong positive emotional states you are seeking and thoughts kept positive and empowering so you change those unhelpful habits into empowering and ones full of joy!

 Here are some useful suggestions to get moving and get out of the rut.

  • Post it notes ,liquid window chalk, quotes,images and reminders in your environment
  • Get a friend to buddy up so you keep each other on track
  • Download phone apps ,10 minute motivators,alarms with motivating messages,goal tracker etc
  • Keep a journal so you can keep track of your progress
  • Challenge negative thinking
  • Gratitude journal, or join on of the many online gratitude/positivity groups so you get positive reinforcing messages.
  • Negativity jar, you write the negative thoughts, behaviours or feelings down and get rid of them in a jar.
  • Positivity jar put all your change in and save for a big treat
  • write down something you are grateful/love/has happened and save them for a day you are struggling to keep on track
  • Be creative!
Caroline Williams is a registered counsellor  and nationally registered homicide / major crimes counsellor in New Zealand working with individuals and couples to help them make the life they love happen. With over 15 years training and experience in anxiety,depression, addictions and trauma she is a prolific writer and workshop facilitator.
Contact her for in person or skype counselling and make this year the one that counts!

Monday 17 February 2014

Boundary Bootcamp in

 Boundary Boot-camp
Boundaries, we all have them but often they are one of the core problems in relationships whether with friends,our self, family, co-workers or your beloved ( or maybe not so beloved). 
So what exactly are these essential "boundaries"?
  •  Basically a personal awareness of what you will and won’t accept.
  •  It’s the knowledge of what you are uncomfortable with
  • They warn us when we are detracting from , or living outside of our values
  •  They act as both self-protection and a warning system.
  •  They are internal and external

Boundaries teach people how to treat you and what to expect from you.They also impose limits, not just on others but also upon yourself to ensure that you don’t place yourself in dangerous situations or continue to take being treated in a way that detracts from you.Boundaries can also hold us back from living more fully or following our passion when they are to rigid or imposed out of fear.
If you imagine that every single one of us on this planet has our own invisible electric fence – these are our boundaries. Over the next few weeks I will take you on a journey to uncover 
  • Your personal boundaries
  • How to set them
  • How to strengthen them
  • And how to work with  conflict
The first step is developing your own personal awareness of boundaries and to start you off try answering these basic questions, remember be as honest as you can and give examples if possible.

Self-Awareness Questions

Do you have a hard time standing up for yourself?
Do you take things personally?
Do you tolerate rude comment or pushy people because you find conflict hard to deal with?
Do you set yourself tasks/goals/deadlines and fall short of them?

 Over the next few days keep a diary and note down your awareness of boundaries in action with the questions  you answered above as a guide
In order to free yourself from the “disease to please” self-awareness is the first key so you can begin to be accountable for your own happiness. Answer the following, try and give at least five examples
·         People may not...
·         I have the right to... 

·         To protect my time and energy it is ok to… 

 Caroline Williams is a registered counsellor  and nationally registered homicide / major crimes counsellor in New Zealand working with individuals and couples to help them make the life they love happen. With over 15 years training and experience in anxiety,depression, addictions and trauma she is a prolific writer and workshop facilitator.
Contact her for in person or skype counselling and make this year the one that counts!